About Me

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Cape Town
Born in Cape Town to a Greek Father and Scottish Mother. A mother of a beautiful five year old boy.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On a roll...

Dance Dance Dance...what a fantastic way to get fit and have fun. One session last night but couldn't make it tonight too much on the go.

Monday, July 26, 2010


What a frustrating game...one minute you have all the great hands the next minute you have all the duds..and why do I play it over and over again ...its not a game of skill more a game of patience..but I can answer my own question. The reason I play it over and over again is that sense of winning which is like a drug. It takes my mind off work and every day issues.The free versions are the least stressful bringing cash into the mix will always end up in disaster unless you are lucky number 7.
Though the best way to de-stress is to plan a holiday and go on a holiday...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Left the starting block...

This year is to be the year for great achievement. Since my last blog I have changed jobs and have restarted my career in Project Management. Life as a working mom is not easy. However as the saying goes :

"Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent." – C. G. Jung